Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Wet season, the down side

 So wer season is here and also the mold. Yesterday I cleaned my sofa, bed table and bed-sides to prevent mold from groving.  Cleaning spray with 99,9 % bacteria killing… I hope it’s enough. 


However … this cap was in my car for 2 days.

I have also already washed the inside soft parts of one of helmets as it started to smell. One more needs to be washed. 

Now a motorbike jacket starts smelling… it hangs outside now. 



Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Bumgun was replaced

 2 weeks ago, I just saw some pictures from the issue. 

So it got fixed 2 times before I asked the landlord to buy a completely new bumgun to me.


The next day he came himself, not the handyman, and replaced it himself.


Handymans toolbox

No tools just his hands and he replaced the bumgun

Niw it works perfectly.


Monday, July 1, 2024

Nada, zip, zero, …

 No fish however the fish was eating the worms and I got some feeling of the fish, none got hooked on.


Super nice day, not hot and the sea had perfect temps. 

So sad to see, they opened a couple of months ago, I never saw any costumers here.

Klong Muang is kinda empty always.


Worms for Fishing

 Wow, I have looked at this puleo of leaves for a long time and today I wanted to check if there are any worms in it. 


Damn, so many and I so lively and fast. 

Perfect πŸ‘ 

So I got a bunch of them now and will go fishing at Klong Muang beach.  .. I want to take a dip in the sea as well in.


Now I have no excuses for not going fishing 

🎣 🎣 🎣 

My Rented Small House

Picture from outside and around the house 

🏠 🏠 🏠 

I am pretty happy to have a furnitured house for 7000 thb (~2000 sek) per month, sure a small one, still a house.


I do want a bigger house, I am not in a hurry, when opportunity arrives I will take it and move. 


Trimmerman is too hot

 The electric engine works too hard and started smoking a little bit. So I stopped. 

I think that it is obviously not powerful enough for my work, also it has 8 lines cutting so the resistance might be to much?!?!


Need it to cool off a bit before testing again with a normal two metal blade instead. 
Now I have a 20 cm blade instead of 15 cm. 

Usb powered fan 


Update: I changed to above blade and now motor is not overheating. 


Lotus’s Beer and Booze

 I went shopping for groceries and took some photos for you.


Cheers! 🍻 

Directly outside Supermarket. 

Wet season, the down side

 So wer season is here and also the mold. Yesterday I cleaned my sofa, bed table and bed-sides to prevent mold from groving.  Cleaning spray...